Published on April 17, 2005 By horizon In Personal Computing
Well for starters lets just say I like pretty much every folder on my computer to have the icon files inside it set to
"View: Thumbnails" and "Arrange icons by: Type, and Show in Groups." And I keep setting it like that constantly, but now and then if not daily it seems to reset itself to view icons, sort icons by name, and auto arrange. Is there a reason it keeps getting reset that I'm just not able to figure? Or if it's going to keep changing back to some type of default, can I define the "default" to be thumbs/type/group for all if not at least one folder?

on Apr 17, 2005
You can try this...go to your root directory (C in most cases)and then go to the menu at the top of the screen and click on the tools menu, then "Folder Options" the to "View" then scroll down and check the box marked "Remember each folders view settings".. then, just to be double sure..::laughs:: click the button that says "Apply to all folders"
Close everything and that should do it..

Something that I have noticed, I have no explanation for it..
Sometimes for the folder to actually "Save" the *View settings, you have to click on or open something within that folder after you set the "View" and before you close the folder. Otherwise the Folder doesnt seem to register you were in it or that you set the is Odd to say the least...

Anyway, Hope that helps,
on Apr 17, 2005
Well, the check box I have had marked already, but I tried the rest of the things you listed, I'll find out if it worked or not soon enough I guess. Thanks
on Apr 18, 2005
Well it reset back to view icons, but it seems like it's at least holding sort by type and show in groups, good enough to make me happy, thanks for that.
on Apr 18, 2005
You are not alone, horiz0n. Its a never-ending battle resetting it from Sort by > Name to ...Modified (my setting).

Hmmm...3 yrs old an already a case of Alzheimers. Bad XP! Bad!
on Apr 19, 2005
A bit of a pitty really. computers should work for you, not the other way around. And such a feature shold be no problem with the incredible cheap cost for storage these days.

thomassen hopes for fix in Longhorn.