Published on November 30, 2003 By horizon In WinCustomize Talk
Could someone tell me why my files do not move up in the list towards the front when I'm updating my walls, I checked the reset update box, and it's not working at least not all the time it worked for one. It wouldn't bother me if I was just putting the original file back up, but I've redone all these pieces with new work and legitamte updates, and don't want them burried 200 pages back where no one will see them.
Comments (Page 4)
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on Dec 04, 2003
thank you, hope I didn't put you through too much trouble
on Dec 04, 2003
Your shout....mine's a Cooper's....or a Crownie...or a Foster's [if you must]...
on Dec 04, 2003
4 PagesFirst 2 3 4